All members are expected to abide by the rules of the IASO constitution. Working with integrity and practicing ethically, they should be committed to uphold the interests of the IASO.
a. Life Membership: All surgeons exhibiting interest in cancer surgery sufficiently demonstrated in their work/ practicing cancer surgeons/ surgeons who have completed an acceptable training in cancer surgery are eligible for becoming life members. The EC has the sole right to decide the eligibility in case of a dispute. Members could be,
1. General Surgeons who have an additional Qualification or undergoing similar training in Surgical Oncology(MCh, DNB, equivalent foreign degree or a regular 3 year training in a Cancer Hospital) or,
2. Surgeons from surgical disciplines involved in the treatment of cancer with an additional qualification or undergoing similar training (MCh, DNB, or a regular 3 year training program in a Cancer Hospital) or,
3. Surgeons from any surgical discipline with recommendation letters from two IASO members of more than 10 years standing in IASO stating the applicant’s a) interest in Surgical Oncology and b) integrity. (The format of the recommendation letter provided in annexure)
4. Any past Associate Member from surgical disciplines who fulfils the above criteria will automatically be promoted as a full Member without any additional fees.
b. The fee for Life membership will be Rs. 8,500 (Rs. Eight thousand five hundred only) till October 2021 31st, following which it will be Rs. 10,000 (Rs. Ten thousand only) (as per EC meeting on 20th Aug 2021). All applicants will submit their photo ID, recent photograph, proof of qualifications, postal address, mobile number, and email address. Membership will be approved by the secretary and a certificate will be mailed to the applicant on his being accepted. Applicants who are not accepted shall be refunded their application fees.
c. Associate Membership: Those who are under training in cancer surgery or those who are interested in cancer surgery but belong to other non-surgical specialties, such as Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Radiology, Pathology, Biochemistry, Basic Sciences are eligible to apply for Associate Membership of IASO. The fee for Associate membership will be Rs. 10000 (Rs. Ten thousand only)
d. Honorary Member: An Internationally renowned Surgeon who has made an outstanding contribution to Surgical Oncology and who has shown keen and consistent interest in the development and growth of Surgical Oncology in India can be considered for Honorary Membership of IASO. Not more than two honorary members will be selected in a year, provided that the total number of such members does not exceed one-tenth of the total number of Full Life Members at that time. (Approved GBM Ludhiana Sept 2007)
e. Overseas Member: A Surgical Oncologist practicing abroad, who is duly proposed and seconded by a Member of IASO, and after proper scrutiny of the proposal, is recommended by the Executive Council and approved by the General Body shall, on payment of the prescribed dues, be admitted as an Overseas Member for Life. An Overseas Member shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges::
i. Participate in all activities of the IASO.
ii. Attend the Business Meetings/General Body Meeting together with the
other members.
iii. Membership and privileges resulting from the affiliation of the IASO
to various International bodies.
iv. An Overseas Member shall not be entitled for election to the Executive
v. Should an Overseas Member decide to settle in India, he, on intimating to the IASO his intention of becoming a Life Member, and proof of his having become a resident Indian, will be admitted by the General Body to the Life Membership of the IASO without any further subscription.
vi. The induction fee for Overseas Member will be US Dollars 300 (Approved GBM Hyderabad 20 Sept 2008)
f. Privileges of a Member
A Life member has right to participate in all activities of the association and is eligible to vote and contest elections as per the IASO Constitution. All other members are eligible to participate in all the activities but are not permitted to vote or contest elections.
On request of 1/3 rd of the members, an Emergency GBM can be called for after a request to the EC.
a) If a member resigns voluntarily or dies.
b) If a member does not pay any dues to the IASO. Such a member will be given a notice and reasonable time to pay before the EC takes a decision to suspend the member.
c) If a member indulges in any criminal activity in India or abroad. The
EC shall suspend the member and recommend his termination to the GB.
d) If a member indulges in any activity which brings financial, moral, electoral, or criminal disrepute to the IASO or acts against the interests of the IASO. The Honorary Secretary shall give a memo to the said member on advice of the EC or GB. The said member would be asked to give a reply to the show cause notice within 15 days. If the reply is found satisfactory, then the suspension may be revoked. In case of a dispute, the grievance committee will be given a period of 3 months to hear the member and then submit their findings to the EC. The EC will then notify the GB.
e) All terminations will be finally approved by the GB.
Registered office : D 57/58, B 5 Kasturba Nagar, Sigra, Varanasi (UP)
Temporary Camp Office : Room No - 244, DrBRA-IRCH, AIIMS, New Delhi - 110029
© IASO India. All Rights Reserved.