Radha Devi Oration will be delivered by the outgoing President at the annual meeting of IASO. Rs. 5000/- have been donated for the oration by the family of Dr. S.P. Jain. The oration will be delivered at the Annual meeting of IASO- NATCON .The orator will get a plaque, certificate and a medal. The local hospitality to the orator will be provided by the Organizing secretary of NATCON.
Motibhai Oration will be delivered by an orator selected by the executive Scientific committee, and endorsed by the GBM. The oration will be delivered at the Annual meeting of IASO- NATCON. Rs. 50,000/- have been donated for the cause by Dr. D.D. Patel and family. Only interest is to be used. 50% of interest is to be reinvested to generate same amount of money even in the era of falling interest rates. Thus, only 50% of interest should be available in the year to award the orator a plaque, a certificate and a medal. Local hospitality by the organizing secretary NATCON.
Prof N C Misra Oration will be delivered preferably by an eminent foreign speaker selected by a panel consisting of the President IASO, Secretary IASO and the Organizing Secretary of the NATCON. The oration will be delivered at the Annual meeting of IASO- NATCON .In case of selection of eminent speaker from India, consultation will be held with the nominee of “The Students of Dr. N.C. Misra”, who have donated Rs. Three lakhs as endowment. Only interest is to be used. 50% of interest is to be reinvested to generate same amount of money even in the era of falling interest rates. Thus, only 50% or less of interest should be available in a year to award the orator a plaque, a certificate and a medal. Local hospitality by the organizing secretary NATCON
Dr. P.B. Desai – UICC IASO Silver Jubilee Oration will be delivered by national or international faculty during ASICON .The orator shall be selected by the executive Scientific committee of IASO and would receive a medallion, citation and a certificate . Local hospitality would arranged by by the organizing secretaryASICON
Dr RS Rao was an eminent Head and Neck Surgeon and the Director of Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. This award was instituted in his memory based on a generous grant of 500000 Rs from his family. His Son, Dr Satish Rao, will be consulted for the selection of the honour.
Room No - 244, DrBRA-IRCH, AIIMS, New Delhi - 110029
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