
IASO Fellowship & Awards

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                                                                                                         IASO Fellowships 2023

IASO gives two kinds of awards IASO fellowship awards and IASO-ICC awards. IASO fellowship award presentation will happen in separate hall. All remaining award presentation will be considered together under three headings; Oral, Video and Poster. Only IASO members will be eligible for the awards. Non-members can submit abstracts for non-award category. The awards will be given to original research studies done in India.


  1. *SSO ICDE Fellowship – USD 3000 + Observer ship at a reputed center in USA – ONE

  2. GCRI – Baroda Minimal Access Surgery Travelling Fellowship for 1 month at Indo American Cancer Centre, Hyderabad – ONE

  3. *SSO conference in USA- USD 1000, grant to travel to SSO conference in USA to present a poster. – FIVE (Extendable to Ten)

  4. *ESSO award - Free Registration and opportunity to present in ESSO meeting in Europe and financial assistance of 500 Euros for stay and travel. – One

  5. *Detroit Fellowship - A fellowship to visit Detroit, will have local hospitality included by the host institution, excluding the travel cost to and from USA.

  6. *Brazilian association of Surgical Oncology Fellowship - USD 1000 to travel expenses and also accommodation

  7. IASO Ludhiana Punjab Fellowship – Training fellowship for 4 – 8 weeks. The selected Fellow will be given training in an Indian Institute of their choice for a period of 8 weeks for resident of Punjab residing in Punjab or outside Punjab in India. The fellowship will be called the IASO Ludhiana Punjab Fellowship. The selected candidate will be given an amount of Rs. 30,000/-.

*External Support by other societies are likely to change subject to their policies

1. SSO ICD International Career Development Programme Initiative

The SSO will provide a stipend of $3,000 to the successful candidate to cover international airfare, lodging and airfare within the US for the duration of the exchange. The SSO will also provide a complimentary registration to SSO annual meeting.

SSO will act as an intermediary when deciding potential institutions to be visited and will provide the candidate with a short-list of viable sites from which to choose.
The award recipient should choose 1 -3 institutions to visit during their exchange; the number of institutions offered will largely be determined by the specialty/procedure the successful candidate has identified and the availability of the host institution(s). Regarding the period of the program, the SSO the program will be up to 2 weeks, with no more than 1 week spent at any single institution. The award recipient will participate in SSO annual meeting, as an attendee. He/she will be eligible for a poster presentation.

The award recipient will be assigned a mentor at SSO annual meeting to help them navigate the conference. During the course of the conference, a small social gathering will be arranged to introduce the award recipient to pre-eminent surgeons from the institutions which he/she has chosen to visit, along with members of the SSO leadership.

Within 30 days of the visit, the SSO would expect to receive a report on the successful award recipient’s activities and experiences, both good and bad, explaining their goals before the visit and what they have accomplished.


a. The successful recipient should be 45 years old or under and should be a full member of the Indian Association of Surgical Oncology.

b. Applicants cannot have previously received the SSO ICDE grant or cannot have previously attended more than one SSO Annual Cancer Symposium in the past three (3) years.

c. Applicants must be currently employed in his/her region.

d. Applicants must have leadership potential.

e. Applicants must be fluent in English (both writing and speaking).

f. Applicants must be able to travel for a minimum of two consecutive weeks to the United States in March 2024

g. It is preferred that Recipients/Applicants already have a current passport. If no current passport, Applicant must be ready to obtain one. Applicants must be able to obtain a travel visa to the United States if coming from a country where one is required. It is responsibility of awardee to have valid visa at the time of final selection

h. As a part of the selection process, the selected recipient will provide the IASO/SSO with an outline of what procedures/specialties/institutions they would like to experience during their visit; this will enable the SSO to focus the list of potential institutions that can accommodate the candidate’s needs.

i. Applicants must specialize in one of SSO’s eight disease site areas:
Breast, Colorectal, Endocrine/Head and Neck, Gastrointestinal, Hepato-Pancreato- Biliary, Melanoma, Peritoneal Surface Malignancy, or Sarcoma.
j. The IASO will select the recipient of the award from among qualified applicants in the SSO award paper sections.
k. To coordinate this exchange, the award recipient should be identified by the IASO at the annual ICC .

(ICD Candidate must have valid Passport and Visa.)

2. SSO POSTER session for IASO members

USD 1000 grant each to 5-10 IASO members to travel to SSO conference in USA to present a poster. A sum of 1000 $ will be given to each of the 5-10 candidates against the expenses incurred towards the registration, stay, food and travel, subject to their submission of the details as required.


1. Applicant should be an active member of the IASO

2. Applicant should be less than 45 years of age at the time of award of grant/fellowship

3. Applicants must be a, life member of IASO
(SSO Poster-Candidate must have valid Passport and Visa.)


3. Detroit Visiting Fellowship-
A fellowship to visit Detroit will have local hospitality included by the host institution, excluding the travel cost to and from USA.

  1. The candidate should be less than 45 years of age (the cut-off date is 31st of December of the year of application),

  2. A full member of IASO for a minimum of two years.


  • The candidate should be less than 45 years of age (the cut-off date is 31st of December of the year of application),

  • A full life member of IASO for a minimum of two years.

  • Selection is based on CV and paper presentation during ICC. The paper must be on the

    work done in India only.
    (Detroit Candidate must have valid Passport and Visa.)

4. ESSO Fellowship

Prize money of 500 Euro towards the travel and stay for the Congress A visit of 1-2 weeks to an Surgical Oncology Department of a European Institution before or after the Congress. Awardee gets free registration to the ESSO annual Congress Awardee is eligible to present a poster in ESSO Congress


a. Awardee should be a Surgical Oncologist of Good standing with age less than 40

b. He should be a full member of the IASO for last 2 years.

c. It is responsibility of awardee of have valid visa at the time of final selection

5. Baroda – GCRI Basavatharakam Indo American IASO Travelling Minimal Invasive Surgery Fellowship
The fellowship will be called the Baroda – GCRI- IASO Travelling Minimal Invasive Surgery Fellowship (MIS). The awardee will be given opportunity to get one month training at Basavatharakam Indo American Cancer hospital, Hyderabad in minimally invasive onco-surgery.


I) The candidate should be less than 45 years of age (the cut-off date is 31st of December of the year of application.

II) He should be a Full member of IASO for a minimum of two years

III)Attended two conferences of ICC IASO.
IV) Selection will be based on CV and paper presentation during ICC meeting.

V) The paper must be on the work done in India only. IASO- GCRI- MIS Fellowship will henceforth take place at Indo American Cancer Institute under Dr S Rao.

6. Brazillian association of Surgical Oncology Fellowship, visit a Brazilian Center of Surgical Oncology and attend Brazilian Congress of Surgical Oncology. Financial support of USD 1000 to travel expenses and also accommodation at meeting


  1. The candidate should be less than 40 years of age (the cut-off date is 31st of December of the year of application),

  2. A full member of IASO for a minimum of two years.

7. IASO Ludhiana Punjab Fellowship :

Eligibility and Selection Criteria –

• The candidate should be less than 45 years of age as on 31st December 2023 and a citizen of India. He/she should be a life member of the IASO of at least 2 years standing, attended 2 NATCON IASO and presented a scientific paper.

• In response to the notification issued by the website of ICC 2023/Abstracts/IASO Fellowship Awards and or IASO website for submission of Abstracts, the candidate must submit such with name and title of the project ,name of Institution, department and person with whom he/she wishes to avail the fellowship etc. The work done should be of benefit to residents of Punjab residing in Punjab or outside Punjab in India. The Fellowship will be for a period of 4-8 weeks. It can be availed for training in India or Abroad(In case Abroad,must have a Passport and VISA).

• The selection will be done on the basis of Curriculum Vitae, Publication, and Project submitted. Scrutiny or Interview will be done during the ICC 2023 by a Board of Jury members.

• After completion of the Fellowship he/she will have to submit a letter of completion from the Host Institution, along with a report to the Secretary IASO  with a copy to the President, for publication in the newsletter and make a presentation in the next IASO meeting. The candidate will be given an amount of Rs. 30,000/-by IASO as a one time grant.

II) IASO ICC Cash Awards

Cash awards will also be given for IASO members, based on the presentation:

  1. Best Paper presentation will be awarded Rs. 10000/- towards registration, travel and accommodation of the presenter to attend the ICC. In all Physical meetings, the awardee should be present at the Valedictory function to receive the Cheque

  2. Best poster presentation will be awarded Rs. 10000/- towards registration, travel and accommodation of the presenter to attend the ICC. In all Physical meetings, the awardee should be present at the Valedictory function to receive the Cheque

  3. Best video presentation will be awarded Rs. 10000/- towards registration, travel and accommodation of the presenter to attend the ICC. In all Physical meetings, the awardee should be present at the Valedictory function to receive the Cheque

Dr. K. S. Panda – Dr. K S Gopinath Onco Quiz Award : During ICC meeting winner will

be awarded Rs. 5000 and runners up to Rs. 3000. Dr. K.S Panda & Dr. K S Gopinath shared a total donation of Rs 1 Lac Rs towards the quiz.

Dr. K. S. Panda – Dr. K S Gopinath Onco Quiz Award : During ICC meeting winner will

be awarded Rs. 5000 and runners up to Rs. 3000. Dr. K.S Panda & Dr. K S Gopinath shared a total donation of Rs 1 Lac Rs towards the quiz.

Please contact Mrs. Rekha Jayasankar (EA to Hon. Secretary, IASO) on iaso.office@gmail.com, for applying to quiz and any queries for the above.

Dr. Chandramohan K, M.S., M.Ch.(Surg Onco)

Hon. Secretary IASO,
Senior Consultant- GI Surgeon,
Professor, Regional Cancer Centre,

Medical College Campus
Medical College - 695 011
Email ID: iasosecretariat@gmail.com

IASO is an organisation serving from past 50 years in spreading knowledge & creating awareness for cancer and its treatments.

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Room No - 244, DrBRA-IRCH, AIIMS, New Delhi - 110029



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